Superintendence of loading and discharge of Commodities, besides Certification of Quantity, Quality & Condition, of dry or liquid cargoes, also includes Supervision and logistics support to handling, transport and storage of goods. Quantity and Quality control requires tally for ascertaining weights loaded of final outturn, so shortages may be minimized and prevented. Also includes sampling , with procedures according to the contracts in force, for further analysis in independent laboratories.
Supervision of commodities demands constant attendance, ensuring that operations are properly managed and contractual conformity, allowing a prompt response to avoid losses or damages. We will issue daily reports with analysis of quantities, stoppages and "just in time" calculation of demurrage, loading or discharge rates and operational efficiency. The quality of our certificates and reports allows documentary support for ensuring conformity of contract specifications.
We are
GAFTA Approved Superintendent. We are committed to excellence, providing high flexible solutions, focused on private and contractual requirements.
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