Lashing and Shoring Inspection & Certification


Heavy Lift and Oversized Cargoes

Supervision and certification services to heavy lift and oversized cargoes handling, stowage and lashing, sush as eolic blades, superstructures or others.


We will do a preloading survey to the cargo previous to loading, inspecting its condition, rigidity and suitability to be handled, the lifting capacity and stowage plan. Also, we will assess the vessel’s seaworthiness, hydrostatics including the period and bending moment due to GZ, the voyage planning and good seamanship, reducing risk during transport.


During and after the handling, we will inspect the stow of the cargo, the lashing and dunnage condition, including the mechanical resiestence of the shoring welding to stresses.


We also offer inspection and certification services of stowage, dunnage, shoring and lashing to containerized cargo and in flatracks.


Our procedures follows the standards of the IMO Code for Lashing and Shoring on vessels assuring that our reports meet all the international regulation in force.